Duties for Editors Editors are accountable and responsible for everything that is published in the journal; Editors commit themselves for fair and impartial decision making independent from commercial interests; Editorial board has the right to accept or reject the manuscript, or can send it for the modification; Editors should organize the process of equitable and impartial reviewing; Editors conduct an editorial policy ensuring maximum transparency and full accountability to the authors and editorial board; Editors must protect the integrity of publications, provide issue of corrections and reviews of publications; Editors critically evaluate the ethics of research probing on humans and animals; Editors inform the authors and reviewers of what is expected from them; Editors disclose editorial conflicts of interest.
Duties for authors Authors must guarantee that they have written entirely original work that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere; Authors should avoid plagiarism and parallel publications in other journals; Authors must follow the Instructions to Authors; Authors should, also, provide all data related with their manuscript; Authors should avoid a conflict of interests. All authors must significantly contribute to the research. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
Duties for reviewers Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers being experts in the field; Reviewers should avoid a conflict of interests; Reviewers should keep confidential all information regarding the reviewed manuscript; Reviewers should adhere a term of article review; Reviewers should formulate an objective, reasonable and impartial review; Reviewers must report about any kind of similarity between the submitted manuscript and other published papers.
Publication ethics Publishers and editors must take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. In no case the Journal or its editors must not encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. In the case when the Journal editors are well aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor must treat such allegations appropriately and responsibly. The Journal provides guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when needed. Publisher and editors are always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.