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Head of Laboratory

Lab Team

Technics staff:

The main areas of research

  1. Influence of the gut microbiota balance on the insects’ resistance for the biological and chemical insecticides.
    • Combined action of biological and chemical insecticides on intestinal microbiota and defense systems of blood-sucking mosquitoes
    • Factors determining the structure of the Colorado potato beetle gut microbiome and influence susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria
  2. The possible influence of the venom of Habrobracon brevicornis on the metabolic activity and physiology of the host larvae Galleria mellonella.
    • An influence of the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor on the immune system and formation of the resistance to the host's second infection on the Galleria mellonella example.
    • The immunoregulatory properties of the parasitoid venom, in particular to the low-molecular components, as well as its enzymes.
  3. Transmission of a trematode parasite in estuarine ecosystem of West Siberia - ecological analysis

  4. Study of the ixodid tick community structure as the hosts of the infectious and bacterial pathogens. Study of the TBEV pheno-genetic properties and borrelia species diversity depending on the vector species.

Main objects

Habrobracon hebetor, ectoparasitoid, venom, immunosuppression, microbiota, Bacillus thuringiensis crystal-forming bacteria, entomopathogenic fungi, trematode parasite, ixodid tick, mollusks, pyrethroids, avermectines.

Insects - wax moth Galleria mellonella, Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata, mosquitoes Aedes, Culex, Anopheles.


Projects of RSF, RFBR

Russian Foundation for Basic Research:

15-04-02322 A. Influence of ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor on lepidopteran's immune reactions and spreading of entomopathogens in insects’ populations
16-34-50300 Identification and differentiation of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria using microbiological and molecular genetic methods

18-04-00335 А. An influence of the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor on the immune system and formation of the resistance to the host's second infection on the Galleria mellonella example.

Russian Science Foundation:

18-74- 00090 Combined action of biological and chemical insecticides on intestinal microbiota and defense systems of blood-sucking mosquitoes

19-76-00032 Factors determining the structure of the Colorado potato beetle gut microbiome and influence susceptibility to bacillus thuringiensis bacteria

Selected publications

Kryukova, NA, Chertkova E. A., Semenova A. D., Glazachev Y.I., Slepneva I.A., Glupov V.V. 2015. Venom from the ectoparasitic wasp Habrobracon hebetor activates calcium-dependent degradation of galleria mellonella larval hemocytes. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. Vol. 90(3): 117–130. doi: 10.1002/arch.21247.

Glupov V.V. Kryukova, NA. 2016. Physiological and biochemical aspects of interactions between insect parasitoids and their hosts. Entomological Review 96(5):513-524 DOI: 10.1134/S0013873816050018

Dubovskiy I; Kryukova, NA; Glupov VV; Ratcliffe N A. 2016. Encapsulation and nodulation in insects. Invertebrate Survival Journal 13:229-246.

Kerchev, IA; Kryukova, NA; Kryukov, VY; Glupov, VV. 2017. Entomoparasitic nematodes Sychnotylenchus sp (Anguinidae) on the four-eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus: effects on the host's immunity and its susceptibility to Beauveria bassiana. ISJ-INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL. Vol 14.  324-329.

Kryukov, VY; Tyurin, MV; Tomilova, OG; Yaroslavtseva, ON; Kryukova, NA; Duisembekov, BA; Tokarev, YS; Glupov, VV. 2017. Immunosuppression of Insects by the Venom of Habrobracon hebetor Increases the Sensitivity of Bait Method for the Isolation of Entomopathogenic Fungi from Soils. BIOLOGY BULLETIN. Vol 44 (4). 401-405. DOI: 10.1134/S1062359017030050.

Vorontsova Y.L., Slepneva I.A., Alekseev A.A., Kryukov V.Y., Tyurin M.V., Glupov V.V. The effect of entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium robertsii of different virulence on the generation of reactive oxygen species in Galleria mellonella larvae // Invertebrate Survival Journal, 2018. V. 15, p. 276-284

Malysh J.M., Vorontsova Y.L., Glupov V.V., Tsarev A.A., Tokarev Y.S. Vairimorpha ephestiae is a synonym of Vairimorpha necatrix (Opisthosporidia: Microsporidia) based on multilocus sequence analysis // European Journal of Protistology, 2018. V. 66, p. 63-67.

Kryukov V. Yu., Tomilova O. G., Yaroslavtseva O. N., Wen Ting-Chi, Kryukova N. A., Polenogova O. V., Tokarev Yu. S., Glupov V. V. Temperature adaptations of Cordyceps militaris, impact of host thermal biology and immunity on mycosis development // Fungal Ecology, 2018. Vol. 35, pp: 98-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2018.07.003.

O. V. Polenogova, V.V. Glupov. The change in the entomopathogenic properties in streptomycin resistant Bacillus thuringiensis // Doklady Biological Sciences, 2018. Vol. 483, pp. 1–3.

Ткачев С.Е., Чичерина Г.С., Козлова И.В., Верхозина М.М., Демина Т.В., Лисак О.В., Дорощенко Е.К., Джиоев Ю.П., Сунцова О.В., Савинова Ю.С., Парамонов А.И., Тикунов А.Ю., Злобин В.И., Тикунова Н.В. Вирус клещевого энцефалита сибирского субтипа: анализ генетического разнообразия, географического распространения и эволюции. Журнал инфекционной патологии. 2018. т. 23 (1-4), с. 43-44.

Kryukov, VY; Kryukova, NA; Tyurin, MV; Yaroslavtseva, ON; Glupov, VV. 2018. Passive vectoring of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana among the wax moth Galleria mellonella larvae by the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor females INSECT SCIENCE. Vol 25 (4). 643-654. DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12457; WOS:000439547800009; PubMed: 28296161

Polenogova, OV; Kabilov, MR; Tyurin, MV; Rotskaya, UN; Krivopalov, AV; Morozova, VV; Mozhaitseva, K; Kryukova, NA; Alikina, T; Kryukov, VY; Glupov, VV. 2019. Parasitoid envenomation alters the Galleria mellonella midgut microbiota and immunity, thereby promoting fungal infection. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Vol. 9. N 4012. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-40301-6.

Pavlushin, SV; Belousova, IA; Chertkova, EA; Kryukova, NA; Glupov, VV; Martemyanov, VV. 2019. The effect of population density of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) on its fitness, physiology and activation of the covert nucleopolyhedrovirus. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY. Vol. 116.  85-91. DOI: 10.14411/eje.2019.009.

Noskov, Y. A., Nikulina, Y. S., Romanov, R. E., Tumanov, M. D., & Borobiev, D. S. (2018). Hydrobionts of a freshwater oil-polluted northern lake: bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish and the rate of ecosystem recovery. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 8(2), 383-391.

Yuriy A. Noskov, Olga V. Polenogova, Olga N. Yaroslavtseva, Olga E. Belevich, Yuriy A. Yurchenko, Ekaterina A. Chertkova, Natalya A. Kryukova, Vadim Y. Kryukov and Viktor V. Glupov. (2019). Combined effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii and avermectins on the survival and immune response of Aedes aegypti larvae. PeerJ.