Лаборатория паразитологии
Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals (ISEA),
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS)
Working address
Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS
630091, Frunze str. 11, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: yuni@eco.nsc.ru
Professional Society:
Russian Hydrobiological Society (since 2005)
American Society of Parasitologists (since 2006)
Russian Society for Helminthology (since 1979)
Russian Parasitology Society (since 1999)
1968-1973: Novosibirsk agriculture University, Novosibirsk, Soviet Union
1973-1976: Postgraduate student, Helmintology, Biological Institutute, Siberian Branch Academy of Sciences of USSR , Novosibirsk
1976 – 1979: Junior researcher, Biological Institutute, SB AS of USSR, Novosibirsk
1979 - 1989: Scientific associate, Biological Institutute, SB AS of USSR, Novosibirsk;
1989 - 1998: Senior researcher, Biological Institutute, SB AS of USSR, Novosibirsk;
1998 - present time: Leading scientific researcher, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of animals Siberian
Kanaya G., Solovyev M. M. Shikano Sh., Okano Ju., Ponomareva N. M., Yurlova N. I. ( 2019). Application of stable isotopic analyses for fish host–parasite systems: an evaluation tool for parasite-mediated material flow in aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic Ecology. Vol. 53, Issue 2, pp. 217–232
Ya. L Vorontsovaa, I. A. Slepneva, N. I. Yurlova, N. M. Ponomareva and V. V. Glupov (2019). The effect of trematodeinfectionon the markers of oxidative stress in the offspring of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Parasitology Research., in Press
Yurlova N. I., Yadrenkina E. N., Rastyazhenko N. M., Serbina E.А., Glupov V. V. (2017). Opisthorchiasis in Western Siberia: Epidemiology and distribution in human, fish, snail, and animal populations.// Parasitology International.Vol. 66, Issue 4, pp. 355-364.
Sripa B., Tesana S., Yurlova N., Nawa Yu. (2017). A historical review of small liver fluke infections in humans.// Parasitology International.Vol. 66, Issue 4. pp.337-340.
Юрлова Н. И. (2016). Продукция и биомасса трематод (DIGENEA) в озерных экосистемах. Доклады Академии Наук, 2016, T. 466, 4, C. 500–503.
Vorontsova Y.L., Slepneva I.A., Yurlova N.I., Glupov V.V. (2015). Do snails Lymnaea stagnalis have phenoloxidase activity in hemolymph? ISJ 12: 5-12, 2015 ISSN 1824-307X
Растяженко Н. М. (Пономарева), Водяницкая С. Н., Юрлова Н. И. 2015. Эмиссия церкарий трематоды Plagiorchis multiglandularis из моллюска Lymnaea stagnalis в бассейне оз. Чаны, юг Западной Сибири. Паразитология. СПб, Наука, Т. 49, Вып. 3,. с. 190—199.
Kryukova N. A., Yurlova N. I., Rastyagenko N.M., Antonova E. V., and Glupov V. V. (2014). The influence of Plagiorchis mutationis larval infection on the cellular immune response of the snail host Lymnaea .// J. Parasitol., 100(3), pp. 284–287
Юрлова Н.И., Сикано Ш., Канайя Г., Растяженко Н.М. (2014). Оценка паразито-хозяинных трофических отношений трематод и их хозяев – моллюсков с использованием анализа стабильных изотопов.// Паразитология, 48 (3). С. 193-205..
Mordvinov V.A., Yurlova N.I., L.M.Ogorodova, Katohin A.V. (2012). Opisthorchis felineus and Metorchis bilis are the main agents of liver fluke infection of humans in Russia . Parasitology International, 61, p. 25-31.
Hideyuki Doi, Natalia I. Yurlova (2011). Consequent Effects of Parasitism on Population Dynamics, Food Webs, and Human Health Under Climate Change. AMBIO 40:332–334
Hideyuki Doi, Natalia I. Yurlova (2011). Host-parasite interactions and global climate oscillations. Parasitology, 138, 1022–1028
A. V. Polyakov, A. V. Katokhin, T. A. Bocharova, K. V. Romanov, M. N. L'vova, O. M. Bonina, N. I. Yurlova, V. A. Mordvinov (2010).Comparative Analysis of Opisthorchis felineus Karyotypes from Geographically Remote Populations of West Siberia Siberian Journal of Ecology, 2010, N 1, p. 3-6.
H. Doi, N. I. Yurlova, Svetlana N. Vodyanitskaya, G. Kanaya, Sh. Shikano and E. Kikuchi (2010). Estimating isotope fractionations between cercariae and host snail using isotope measurements designed for very small organism. Journal of Parasitology 96:314-317.
H. Doi, N. I. Yurlova, E. Kikuchi I, Sh. Shikano, E. Yadrenkina, S. N. V Vodyanitskaya and E. I. Zuykova (2010). Stable isotopes indicate individual level trophic diversity in a freshwater model Gastropod, Lymnaea stagnalis. //Journal Molluscan Study76: 384-388
H. Doi, N. I. Yurlova, S. N. Vodyanitskaya, E. Kikuchi, Sh. Shikano, E.N. Yadrenkina, and E. I. Zuykova (2008). Parasite-Induced Changes in Nitrogen Isotope Signatures of Host Tissues J. Parasitol., 94(1), pp. 292–295
S. V. Karpenko, A. I. Chechulin, N. I. Yurlova, E. A. Serbina, S. N. Vodyanitskaya, A. V. Krivopalov, and K. P. Fyodorov (2008). Characteristics of Opisthorchiasis Nidi in the South of Western Siberia.// Sib. Ecol.J., 5, 675-680. (in Russian)
A.V. Katokhin, S.V. Shekhovtsov, S. Konkow, N.I. Yurlova, E.A. Serbina, S.N. Vodianitskaia, K.P. Fedorov, V.B. Loktev, I.V. Muratov, F. Ohyama, T.V. Makhneva, S.E. Pel’tek, V.A. Mordvinov (2008). Assessment of the genetic distinctions of Opisthorchis felineus from O. viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis by ITS2 and CO1 sequences. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics. Vol.421, No. 1, 214-217.
A.V. Katokhin, S.V. Shekhovtsov, S. Konkow, N.I. Yurlova, E.A. Serbina, S.N. Vodianitskaia, K.P. Fedorov, V.B. Loktev, I.V. Muratov, F. Ohyama, T.V. Makhneva, S.E. Pel’tek, V.A. Mordvinov, 2008, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2008, Vol. 421, No. 4, pp. 549–552.
Воронцова Я. Л, Юрлова Н. И., Водяницкая С. Н., Глупов В. В. (2008). Активность неспецифических эстераз в гомогенатах моллюсков Lymnaea stagnalis и Lymnaea tumida (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) при заражении церкариями трематод Echinoparyphium aconiatum и Moliniella anceps (Echinostomatidae ). // Паразитология, 6. с.497- 45
C. Mizota, H. Doi, E. Kikuchi, S. Shikano, T. Kakegawa, N. Yurlova, A.K. Yurlov (2009). Stable isotope characterization of fluids from the Lake Chany complex, western Siberia , Russian Federation . //Applied Geochemistry 24, 319–327
Gen Kanaya, Elena N. Yadrenkina, Elena I. Zuykova, Eisuke Kikuchi, Hideyuki Doi, Shuichi Shikano, Chitoshi Mizota and Natalia I. Yurlova (2009). Contribution of organic matter sources to cyprinid fishes in the Chany Lake–Kargat River estuary, western Siberia.// Marine and Freshwater Research 60, 510–518
S.V. Shekhovtsov, A. V. Katokhin, K. V. Romanov, V.V. Besprozvannykh, K. P. Fedorov, N. I. Yurlova, E. A. Serbina, P. Sithithaworn, N. A. Kolchanov, V. A. Mordvinov (2009). A novel nuclear marker, Pm-int9, for phylogenetic studies of Opisthorchis felineus, Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis (Opisthorchiidae, Trematoda). // Parasitology Research, 2 – 13.
S. K. Semyenova, G. G. Khrisanfova, A. V. Korsunenko, M. V. Voronin, S. V. Beer, E. A. Serbina, S. V. Vodyanitskaya, N. I. Yurlova and A. P. Ryskov ( 2007). Multilocus Variation in Cercariae, Parthenogenetic Progeny of Different Species of the Class Trematoda. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2007, Vol. 414, pp. 235–238. (in Russian)
S.K. Semyenova, G.G. Khrisanfova, A.V. Korsunenko, M.V. Voronin, S.V. Beer, S.V. Vodyanitskaya, E.A. Serbina, N.I. Yurlova, A.P. Ryskov, 2007, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2007, Vol. 414, No. 4, pp. 570–573.
Zuykova E. I., Doi H., Kikuchi E., Shikano Sh., and Yurlova N. (2006). "The zooplankton of Chany Lake , West Siberia, Russia" Journal of Freshwater Ecology.vol. 21, no. 1. р. 181-182.
H. Doi, E. Zuykova, E. Kikuchi, Sh. Shikano, K. Kanou, N. Yurlova, and E. Yadrenkina (2006). Spatial changes in carbon and nitrogen stable isotopeы of the plankton food web in saline lake ecosystemю.// Hydrobiologia, 571:395–400.
Yurlova N. I., Vodyanitskaya S N, Serbina E A., Biserkov V Y., Georgiev B B., Chipev N H. (2006). Temporal variation in prevalence and abundance of metacercariae in the Pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis in Chany Lake , West Siberia, Russia: Long-Term patterns and environmental covariates. Journal of Parasitology, VOL. 92, No. 2, р.249-259. (In English)
Serbina E.A., Yurlova N.I. (2002). The part of Codiella troscheli (Molluska: Prosobranchia) in life cycle of Methorchis albidus (Trematoda: Opisthorchidae)// Medical parasitology and parasitic diseases. 3: 21-23. (In Russian, Abstract in English).
Sudarikov V.V., Shigin A. A. Kurochkin Yu. V, Lomakin V. V., Sten’ko R. P., and Yurlova N. I. (2002). Metacercariae of trematodes - parasites of freshwater hydrobionts in water pools in Central Russia . Nauka, Moskva , Russia , 298 p. (In Russian).
Yurlova N.I. (2003). The influence of trematoda infections on reproductive potential of natural Lymnaea stagnalis population (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 82: 1027-1037. (In Russian, Abstract in English).
Yurlova N.I. and E. A. Serbina (2004). New data on Cyathocotyle bushiensis (Trematoda: Cyathocotylidae). Parasitologia, 38: 191-205.(In Russian).
Doi H., Kikuchi E., Mizota Ch., Satoh N., Shikano Sh., Yurlova N., Yadrenkina E. and Zuykova E. (2004). Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope changes and hydro-geological processes in a saline lake chain. Hydrobiologia: 529: 225-235.
Yurlova N. I., Vodyanitskaya S. N.(2005). Long-term changes in species composition and abundance of pulmonata snails in Chany Lake (south of West Siberia ). Siberskij Ekologicheskij Zhurnal p. 255-266 (In Russian, Abstract in English).
Kryukova N.A., Yurlova N.I.& Glupov V.V. (2005). The effect of trematodes on the cellular immunity of the dragonfly Aeshna grandis (Odonata) larvae. Parasitologiya.39.4. 306-317. (in Russian, Abstract in English)
Yurlova N.I. (1981) Seasonal dynamics of the trematode fauna of the wild anatids in Barabinsk Lowlands (south part of West Siberia ). In: K.T. Yurlov (Ed.) Ecology and biocoenotical connections of migratory birds in West Siberia . Novosibirsk, Izdatel’stvo Nauka (Siberian Branch), pp. 206-231 (In Russian)
Yurlova N.I. (1987). Morphology and ecology of Hypoderaeum cubanicum comb.nov. and H.conoideum trematodes. //Parasitologiya, 1, 27, P. 35-42 (In Russian, Abstract in English) .
Yurlova N.I. (1989). The infection level of Lymnaea snails with Diplostomum volvens larvae in Chany Lake.// In: Parasites and diseases of hydrobionts in Arctic province Novosibirsk . Nauka. P.99-107. (In Russian)
Glupov V.V. , Hohlova N.I., Hvoshevskaya M.F., Vodyanizkaya S.N., Yurlova N.I. (1997). The use immunoblot analysis for study antigen of Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884).// Medical parasitology and parasitic diseases. № 1 P.17-19. (In Russian)
Yurlova N.I., Vodyanizkaya S.N., Glupov V.V. (2000). The analyses of host-parasite relationships in snail-trematodae system. Ucpechi of modern biology. Vol. 120. № 6, 573-580. (In Russian).