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Публикациии 2018 года


Gisbert E., Solovyev M.M. Behaviour of Early Life Stages in the Siberian Sturgeon. In book: The Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869) Volume 1 – Biology. Williot P., Nonnotte G., Chebanov M.S. Pages 159-172. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61664-3_9.

Gisbert E., Solovyev M.M., Bonpunt E., Mauduit C. Weaning in Siberian Sturgeon Larvae. In book: The Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869). Editors: Williot P., Nonnotte G., Chebanov M.S. Springer. Volume 2 – Farming. Pages 59-72. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61676-6_4.

Article in high impact Journal

Vorontsova Y.L., Slepneva I.A., Alekseev A.A., Kryukov V.Y., Tyurin M.V., Glupov V.V. (2018). The effect of entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium robertsii of different virulence on the generation of reactive oxygen species in Galleria mellonella larvae. Invertebrate Survival Journal 15: 276-284.

Malysh J.M., Vorontsova Y.L., Glupov V.V., Tsarev A.A., Tokarev Y.S. (2018). Vairimorpha ephestiae is a synonym of Vairimorpha necatrix (Opisthosporidia: Microsporidia) based on multilocus sequence analysis. European Journal of Protistology 66: 63-67.

Kryukov V.Yu., Tomilova O.G., Luzina O.A., Yaroslavtseva O.N., Akhanaev Yu.B., Tyurin M.V., Duisembekov B.A., Salakhutdinov N.F., Glupov V.V. (2018). Effects of fluorine-containing usnic acid and fungus Beauveria bassiana on the survival and immune–physiological reactions of Colorado potato beetle larvae. Pest Management Science 74(3): 598-606.

Kryukov V.Yu., Kryukova N.A., Tyurin M.V., Yaroslavtseva O.N., Glupov V.V. (2018). Passive vectoring of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana among the wax moth Galleria mellonella larvae by the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor females. Insect Science 25: 643-654.

Kryukov V., Yaroslavtseva O.N., Whitten M.M.A, Tyurin M.V., Ficken K., Greig C., Melo N.R., Glupov V.V., Dubovskiy I.M., Butt T. (2018). Fungal infection dynamics in response to temperature in the lepidopteran insect Galleria mellonella. Insect Science 25(3): 454-466.

Kryukov V.Yu., Tomilova O.G., Yaroslavtseva O.N., Wen T.-Ch., Kryukova N.A., Polenogova O.V., Tokarev Yu.S., Glupov V.V. (2018). Temperature adaptations of Cordyceps militaris, impact of host thermal biology and immunity on mycosis development. Fungal Ecology 35: 98-107.

Belevich O., Yurchenko Y., Krivopalov A., Kryukov V., Glupov V. (2018). Effects of Metarhizium robertsii on the bloodsucking mosquito Aedes flavescens and non-target predatory insects (Odonata). Journal of Applied Entomology 142(6): 632-635.

Gisbert E., Fournier V., Solovyev M.M., Andree K.B. (2018). Diets containing shrimp protein hydrolysates provided protection to European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) affected by a Vibrio Pelagius natural infection outbreak. Aquaculture 495: 136-143.

Gisbert E., Nolasco H., Solovyev M.M. (2018). Towards the standardization of brush border purification and intestinal alkaline phosphatase quantification in fish with notes on other digestive enzymes. Aquaculture 487(8): 102-108.

Kashinskaya E.N., Simonov E.P., Kabilov M.R., Izvekova G.I., Andree K.B., Solovyev M.M. (2018). Diet and other environmental factors shape the bacterial communities of fish gut in aneutrophic lake. Journal of Applied Microbiology 125(6): 1626-1641.

Livanova N.N., Fomenko N.V., Akimov I.A., Ivanov M.J., Tikunova N.V., Armstrong R., Konyaev S.V. (2018). Dog survey in Russian veterinary hospitals: tick identification and molecular detection of tick-borne pathogens. Parasites & Vectors 11: 591. Doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-3161-5.

Ilyinykh A.V., Baturina O.A., Ilyinykh F.A., Podgwaite J.D., Polenogova O.V., Belousova I.A., Martemyanov V.V., Kabilov M.R. (2018). Change in the virulence of the Lymantria disparnucleopolyhedrovirus during passage in the insect host. International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology 6(2): 15-17.

Articles in Russian and translated

Polenogova O.V., Glupov V.V. (2018). The change in the entomopathogenic properties in streptomycin resistant Bacillus thuringiensis. Doklady Biological Sciences 483: 1-3.

Ryss Y., Polyanina K.S., Popovichev B.G., Krivets S.A., Kerchev I.A. (2018). Plant host range specificity of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda, 1979 tested in the laboratory experiments. Паразитология 52(1): 32-40.

Khanday A.L., Buhroo A.A., Ranjith A.P., Kerchev I.A. (2018). Evaluating the efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi against the bark beetle, Ips stebbingi Strohmeyer (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Entomological Review 98: 985-994. Doi: 10.1134/S0013873818080055.

Ткачев С.Е., Чичерина Г.С., Козлова И.В., Верхозина М.М., Демина Т.В., Лисак О.В., Дорощенко Е.К., Джиоев Ю.П., Сунцова О.В., Савинова Ю.С., Парамонов А.И., Тикунов А.Ю., Злобин В.И., Тикунова Н.В. (2018). Вирус клещевого энцефалита сибирского субтипа: анализ генетического разнообразия, географического распространения и эволюции. Журнал инфекционной патологии 23(1-4): 43-44.